Namespace MouseDance.Runtime.Callbacks
Implement this if you want to be notified of when the game ends. Make sure to call SetBeatmapEnd(IBeatmapEnd) before starting the game, for this to actually work.
Implement this if you want to customize how BeatmapRunner checks for user-input. Remember to call SetInput(IBeatmapInput) before starting the game, for this to actually work.
Implement this if you want to be notified when a Beatmap has been loaded by the Beatmap Runner. Make sure to call SetOnBeatmapLoaded(IBeatmapLoaded) before starting the game, for this to actually work.
Implement this if you want to customize how player's score is calculated per Hit Object that the player hits. Remember to call SetScoreCalculator(IBeatmapScoreCalculator) before starting the game, for this to actually work.
Implement this if you want notification of event when a Hit Object is pressed/collected/missed. Remember to call SetOnClickedHitObject(IClickedHitObject) before starting the game, for this to actually work.
Implement this if you want to add custom rules on how Hit Objects are pressed. Remember to call SetCustomCollectRule(ICustomCollectRule) before starting the game, for this to actually work.
Implement this if you want to edit the size of each Hit Object just as they are about to be spawned. Make sure to call SetHitObjectSizeCalculator(IHitObjectSizeCalculator) before starting the game, for this to actually work.
Implement this if you want to be able to play your own countdown animation before the first Hit Object appears. Make sure to call SetSongStartCountdown(ISongStartCountdown) before starting the game, for this to actually work.