Customizing Scoring
By default, MouseDance is doing only a simple score * combo counter * difficulty
formula for scoring. If you want to change it, the proper way to do this is to implement IBeatmapScoreCalculator:
MouseDance has no HP Drain functionality yet, so it can't take that into account in the scoring formula for now (check the Roadmap and Release Notes for updates to this). It also has no Game modifiers yet, so that is also not included in the score formula. As it is, it can't exactly do the same scoring formulae in Osu!.
public class BasicUsage : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour, MouseDance.Runtime.Callbacks.IBeatmapScoreCalculator
public MouseDance.Runtime.BeatmapRunner _beatmapRunner;
public UnityEngine.TextAsset _osuFile;
public UnityEngine.AudioClip _song;
void Start()
_beatmapRunner.LoadAndStart(_osuFile, _song);
public int CalculateScore(MouseDance.Runtime.IHitObject hitCircle, int gotHitCircleValue, OsuParsers.Beatmaps.Beatmap beatmap)
int difficultyModifier = Mathf.RoundToInt((beatmap.DifficultySection.CircleSize + beatmap.DifficultySection.OverallDifficulty) / 38 * 5); // This is just following the wiki as close as I can, I honestly don't know where the 38 * 5 came from
return gotHitCircleValue * (1 + ((hitCircle.ComboCounter-1) * difficultyModifier));
public int CalculateScore(MouseDance.Runtime.IHitObject slider, int gotSliderHeadScore, int collectedSliderParts, int totalSliderParts, bool pressWasEverReleased, OsuParsers.Beatmaps.Beatmap beatmap)
// Out of the percent of collected vs total, this will return either 0, 50, 100, or 300:
// 66% to 100%: 300
// 33% to 66% : 100
// >0 to 33% : 50
// 0% : 0
int sliderCompletionScore = BeatmapUtil.GetSliderBaseScore(collectedSliderParts, totalSliderParts);
int sliderValue = 0;
// Allow a 300 score only if the player got 300 when hitting the Slider's head, and never releasing their hold on the mouse button
if (!pressWasEverReleased && sliderCompletionScore == 300 && gotSliderHeadScore == 300)
sliderValue = 300;
// Allow a 100 score only if the player also got at least 100 when hitting the Slider's head
else if (sliderCompletionScore >= 100 && gotSliderHeadScore >= 100)
sliderValue = 100;
else if (sliderCompletionScore == 50)
sliderValue = 50;
int difficultyModifier = Mathf.RoundToInt((beatmap.DifficultySection.CircleSize + beatmap.DifficultySection.OverallDifficulty) / 38 * 5); // This is just following the wiki as close as I can, I honestly don't know where the 38 * 5 came from
return sliderValue * (1 + ((slider.ComboCounter-1) * difficultyModifier));
Note that BeatmapRunner.SetScoreCalculator
is called before starting the beatmap.
If your CalculateScore
methods don't seem to be getting called, check if you've properly called SetScoreCalculator
For every BeatmapRunner, there can be at most only one active IBeatmapScoreCalculator
in use.
in the Inspector will show you which callbacks have been registered. The one labeled IBeatmapScoreCalculator
should be green once the game is running.
The name of the registered callback's concrete type will be displayed (namespace and class name). If it is a MonoBehaviour
type, it'll show the actual file instead. You can click on that to ping it in the Project tab.
This GUI is only for debugging. It is not designed or intended to register callbacks from the GUI.